
Lanzhou Stele Forest



On the top of Bai Ta Mountain lies a classical garden, the First Pavilion over the Yellow River—Lanzhou Stele Forest.


In the corridors on both sides of the Pavilion, the renowned works by Gansu’s calligraphers throughout history are exhibited.


Situated to the south of the Yellow River, Lanzhou Stele Forest is the best spot for a bird view of panoramic Lanzhou.

在這里懷古思憂,欣賞書法, 一撇一捺是筆鋒的起承轉(zhuǎn)合 也是藝術的博大精深。

Here, you can meditate on the past and appreciate calligraphy where every stroke and dot represents the beauty and profundity of the art.


蘭州日報社全媒體記者 汪霺 何佳琪 見習記者 溫紀超 文/視頻