
1929 Foci Cultural and Creative Plaza



The old site of Lanzhou Foci Pharmaceutical Factory located in Foci Street, Chengguan Distirct, is now transformed into the Foci 1929 Cultural & Creative Plaza. Tall, neat red-brick factory buildings and water towers evoke a unique sense of bygone times.


This is the first experiential cultural and creative complex on the northern region of the Yellow River in Lanzhou, filling a commercial void in the area. In this creative cultural space for citizen, several music bars, teahouses and flower shops infuse the old factory zone with the chill vibe of modern life.

忙碌一天,來慈茶館品茶小憩一下吧!在舒適的茶空間中, 感受慈茶館新中式健康茶的獨特魅力。

After a busy day, just have a tea break in Cicha Teahouse. In the cozy space of Cicha, you can immerse yourself in the unique charm of Cicha's new-style healthy tea.

來1929吧,在這里,感受傳統(tǒng)與新潮的交融, 品味還在延續(xù)的佛慈故事。

Come with me to 1929 Plaza, experience the fusion of tradition and trendiness, savor the ongoing story of Foci.


   蘭州日報社全媒體記者 何佳琪 汪霺  見習記者 溫紀超  文/圖/視頻